St. Thomas Nursery School

The Rev. Darren R.S. Elin, Priest & Rector

Thursday, February 7, 2024

Reflecting on a Most Difficult Decision

With the deepest respect for all involved and impacted, the reaction from many to our recently announced decision that this will be the final year for our beloved St. Thomas Nursery School has been as challenging as it has been heartwarming.

The heartwarming part is not a surprise. We know the parents, teachers and school staff value and put their entire selves into developing a caring and nurturing environment for current and past students. This has never been questioned. We are forever grateful for this reality. At the same time, and because of their deep loving and caring for the school, the surprise, upset or disappointment expressed by many of them was not unexpected. I wish that I felt there was a way that it could have been avoided.

The most challenging part of this situation is that our parish’s faithful discernment about where God is calling us has resulted in a decision that is deeply painful for some loving parents and devoted teachers, all of whom I believe are focused on the children in the school. Although St. Thomas Nursery School will always be a cherished part of our parish’s history, we can no longer devote enough resources to ensure the viability of this part of our ministry. And yet, we believe that all we have learned will help us be even more faithful in our ministry with our community in the future.

As many might imagine, we have been keeping the leadership of the Diocese of Southern Ohio informed on this complex matter. They have been supportive of our process and decisions the Vestry has made, as difficult as they were. We are deeply appreciative.

All focus now for the church, the interim school leadership and the current faculty and staff should be on delivering the highest quality experience for the children and families enrolled and participating for the balance of this academic year. As professionals, and caring and loving individuals, I am confident this will occur for the benefit of the children and families currently enrolled.


The Rev. Darren R.S. Elin, Priest & Rector
Thursday, February 1, 2024

Nursery School to Close After this Academic Year

It is with a very heavy heart, and only after considerable prayerful consideration, that I inform the parish of the difficult decision reached by St. Thomas Episcopal Church that the current 2023-2024 academic year will be the final year for our beloved St. Thomas Nursery School.

This was a decision not reached easily or quickly by our Vestry. We have worked with the school administration over the last two years to improve communication, policies, and the financial stability of the school. Through that process, we developed concerns about the school’s long-term viability. It has become clear to me, the Vestry, and others from whom we sought input, that essential elements for viability and sustainability still eluded us. We sadly concluded that we could no longer ensure the highest quality experience for future students and their families.

As you may be aware, our Director, Emily Keiser, recently decided to step away from her role as School Director. I ask you to join me in thanking Emily for her years of dedication and service to the children, parents, and staff of the school. I respect Ms. Keiser’s decision and wish her the very best.

The Church developed this academic ministry over 65 years ago as a mission to provide resources to underserved children and their families. Since then, it has been a beloved part of not only the parish but our greater community. We are saddened by this outcome, but sincerely believe it is in the overall long-term interest of the Church and our ministry.

The Church is still committed to providing resources to underserved children and their families in our parish and will use available resources to address that ministry and the remaining obligations of the school. 

We have informed the parents of students, our faculty and other school staff of this most difficult decision. I am confident that we will maintain the same caring and enriching environment for the remainder of this school year for all of our students and their families. Of course, any deposits already received for the 2024-2025 academic year will be returned/refunded.

We thank our entire congregation for the privilege of allowing St. Thomas Nursery School to be such a vital part of our ministry for so many years. We also thank generations of parents who have entrusted their children’s early educational formation with us. It is a joy and honor that we will miss after this school year has ended.


Welcome to St. Thomas Nursery School! Our mission is to provide a quality nursery school education for the preschool child in a Christian environment.

Our program affirms a respect for the value and dignity of each child as a unique creation of God.  In all matters, the Nursery School staff and board members are guided by a Christian concern for children and families we serve.  Families of all faiths are welcome to attend our school.

The Nursery School is located in the education building of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Terrace Park, Ohio.  We are the oldest licensed preschool in the State of Ohio, having just celebrated our 65th anniversary in 2023. The Nursery School is an extension of the outreach ministry of St. Thomas Church and is operated on a not-for-profit basis by the Rector, Wardens, and Vestry of St. Thomas Church.